
Personal photograph of the Panama Canal, 2022.

Peer-reviewed publications

Book chapter: in the ISPK Seapower Series                                                                         

Suggestions Heard but not Implemented: The Chiriquí Naval Station that Never Was has appeared in a book on the exercise of maritime power in non-kinetic forms.

Environment and History

An article on a Panamanian botanical garden’s history has appeared in the “Snapshots” section of this journal.

Garden History

“An ‘Imaginary Landscape’: Bentham’s Botanical Vision for the Panopticon” has been released in this publication.

World History Connected

“Closed paths and opened ambitions: how failed Anglo-American interoceanic expeditions united imperial visions” has been accepted for publication.

(Forthcoming) Diacronie Studi di Storia contemporanea

“Seeds that could not grow: Jeremy Bentham’s unrealized universal botanical utopias” will appear in a special issue of this journal titled “The Environment of History.”

Zealos: Studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts and Design

“A Petrified Union: Elis’s Search for Family in ‘The Mines of Falun,’” is featured in the inaugural volume of this publication.

Trivium Journal

“Trapped in the Past: How Thomas Hines Escaped Prison, but not the Confines of Remembrance” has been published in this journal.


“Poles of Exploration and Exploitation: Olaudah Equiano in the Arctic” has appeared in this journal.

The Latin Americanist

“Reverse Engineering the Narrative: A.B. Nichols’s Failed Attempt to Amend the Canal Zone’s History” was included in the spring 2021 volume.

Transcultural Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences                                                     

“Larra, el moderno europeo: El Castellano Viejo y la invención del flâneur,” has been featured in this publication.

Eureka Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

“How Queen Mother Moore constructed black communities and identity” has appeared in this outlet.

Book reviews for the Toynbee Prize Foundation

In a Sea of Empires: Networks and Crossings in the Revolutionary Caribbean

Reviewed Jeppe Mulich’s new monograph.

Made in Britain: Nation and Emigration in Nineteenth-Century America

Reviewed Stephen Tuffnell’s book.

Online essays


On the Edge of Climax: The Marginalization of the Dionysian, and Homosexuality, in C.P. Cavafy’s Their Beginningwill be published in this magazine.

Active History

Carving out a Collective Identityhas been published on this site.

Global Maritime History

“Cruise Line Conquistadors: Discovering the Tamed Tropics” has been released on this platform.

Order of Multitudes, Mellon Sawyer Seminar at Yale

“Building Blocks of Information: Concrete Slabs and the Construction of Knowledge in the Panama Canal Zone” has been released on this platform.

Made By Us Medium                                                                                                  

“Deconstructing dams: what we can learn from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe” has been showcased on this platform.

Imperial & Global Forum                                                                                          

“How One South African Poet Reformed the Olympics to Combat Apartheid” has been released on this blog.

Global History Blog

“Food for thought: how Walter Millsap offered Toshiko Imamura intellectual nourishment during the deprivations of internment”has been featured this spring.

SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research

“The History and Future of the Society of Undergraduate Humanities Publications.” SPUR: Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 4, no. 2 (2021): 48. doi: 10.18833/spur/4/2/14.

Oral History Review

Wrote an article describing Say and Seal, my podcast that documents life at Yale during COVID-19.

Humanities for All, Blog of the National Humanities Alliance

Wrote an essay on my work with The Yale Historical Review and the public humanities.


Presentations & Conferences


Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies World Congress (June 2023)

Presented a paper on competition and cooperation across empires in the search for maritime gateways through the Western Hemisphere during the 1800s.

Midwest Junto Program Annual Conference (March 2023)

Delivered a paper on the history of a Panamanian botanical garden.

American Association State and Local History 2022 Conference                                          (November 2022)

Spoke on a panel titled “Plugging into Gen Z: How the Public History Field Can Reach Younger Generations” at this national conference.

National Council for Public History Conference (May 2022)

Presented on a panel titled “Make Way for the Next Gen: Public History in Youth-Led Public Spaces” at this national conference. 

Congreso internacional “Comunidades intencionales: utopías concretas en la historia” (October 2021)

Paper accepted on Jeremy Bentham’s plan for a utilitarian utopia at this international gathering of scholars in Madrid. (Could not attend due to scheduling conflict.)

Transnational History Student Organization Conference, “Spectacle and Power in the Transatlantic World” (October 2021)

Spoke at the meeting of this group on Panama and its 1916 Exposición Nacional.

Midwest World History Association Annual Conference (September 2021)

Paper accepted on how cimarrones, or escaped slaves, formed practices of remembering and resistance in colonial Panama. (Could not attend due to scheduling conflict.)

Center for Port and Maritime History Annual Conference (September 2021)

Gave a talk on the hybridic relations among empires and native Panamanians in the port city of Portobelo. 

International Postgraduate Port and Maritime Studies Network (August 2021)

Discussed my research on 18th century Panama at the annual conference of this organization. 

SECOLAS 2021 (April 2021)

Presented an excerpt of my senior essay, "The Ballad of Ambrose W. Thompson: The Initial Failure but Ultimate Fulfillment of his Manifest Destiny” at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies.

National Conference of Undergraduate Research (April 2021)

My presentation was accepted but I could not attend due to a scheduling conflict.

The Yale and Slavery Research Project Panel (February 2021)

One of six student leaders chosen by Professor David Blight to discuss Yale’s ties to the legacy of slavery. 

Yale Research Symposium (October 2020)

Presented an excerpt of Reverse Engineering the Narrative at this event.

SECOLAS 2020 (March 2020)

Presented my essay, Reverse Engineering the Narrative, among graduate students and professionals, at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies.

Annual Brian Bertoti Innovative Perspectives in History Graduate Conference (March 2020)

Scheduled to present a paper, The Crowning Jewel of the Canal Fairs in 2020, but the event was cancelled due to COVID.

Conjuring the Past Conference at Penn State University (February 2020)

Presented Stripping Away the Patina of Nobility, an article on Sir Francis Drake’s time in Panama, at this conference.

Yale-West Point Summit on History (October 2018 & January 2020)

Organized two conferences of the editors at The Yale Historical Review and The Report, the undergraduate historical journal at West Point. Planned the itineraries, secured Yale faculty to speak at the event, and led all discussions.